I've been playing around with the Raspberry Pi and have been quite pleased. There are many projects out there for true DIY types, but I've opted to use some of the easy to implement builds (so far).
Media Servers and Clients
RasPlex - a Plex Client
- RasPlex is a Plex Client that is used as a media streamer that you connect to your HDMI compatible device (e.g., TV).
- It is an alternative to an Apple TV, Amazon FireTV, Roku, etc.
- So far it has performed very well.
- Controling your RasPlex
- Smart Phone with Plex App
- TV Remote for a TV with HDMI CEC capability
- Raspberry Pi Remote
- Raspberry Pi keyboard and mouse
- OSCM (Open Source Media Center) is a media center implementation built on Linix. There is a specific implementation for the Raspberry Pi
- It consists of Kodi on top of Linix
- Benefits
- Can play local media on a USB Memory stick or external USB hard drive, so not network connection is required
Plex Server
- Open Media Vault is a platform for easily creating a NAS with an HTML GUI.
- Article: How to build your own Raspberry Pi NAS - February 29, 2016
- Here's setup instructions. The article above does not tell you how to set it up. This one goes through it step-by-step.
DIY - Do It Yourself using standard features of Linx
WIN32 Disk Imager
- This software creates the image on the SD memory card from a downloaded image file
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